Few players know the type of atmosphere that awaits Barcelona on Wednesday in Glasgow, but Javier Sanchez Broto is one. Born in Barcelona, Sanchez Broto was a pioneer for Spanish footballers in the Scottish league, playing alongside Nacho Novo. He spent four seasons in Scotland including one at Celtic. Now retired and a successful entrepreneur behind Futbolemotion.com, he spoke with MARCA about his feelings on the game.
It's been quite a few years already since you played in Scottish football. What memory do you have of that time?
"Celtic is a spectacular club. In Spain no one knows what the experience is like. "Until I got there, I had never been to such a big club - it was incredible. "I remember a Champions League game against Celta Vigo and I told a former colleague of mine, Fernando Caceres, before the match that the atmosphere would be something that he would never experience in his life again. "He looked at me and didn't believe it, and then was astonished. "60,000 people singing and creating a spectacular atmosphere. Only a few stadiums in the world can one feel such an incredible sensation. And I don't exaggerate one iota."
That environment, how do you experience it from the pitch?
"If you're the home side, it's like having the extra man and as a visitor, it's brutal but still a great environment to play football in. "Barcelona have played in all the great stadiums in the world, but I'm sure they have Celtic Park as one of their favourites. "It has a better atmosphere than any Spanish ground, there's really no comparison. "I remember when I came back from Scotland and told everyone but they just laughed."
Is it a difficult atmosphere to adapt to?
"It depends on the personality you have because it should spur any goalkeeper on for example. "I used to love playing in games like that but some players are bullied by it. "I understand that that's not the case with ter Stegen, who has shown that he is top notch."
What do you think of ter Stegen's style of play?
"He's the best in the world. "Barcelona play a very risky game with few parameters, but he follows them strictly. "When you take risks, it can cost you a goal, but it allows Luis Enrique to play his system correctly."
Is Scottish football so different from Spanish?
"A lot. It's a minor league."
What does Celtic have to do to get something from the game?
"There is a big difference in the level of both teams, but playing in Celtic Park is not going to be the same as in the first leg. "When you play against a team like Barcelona, you have to play 130%, get lucky and score a goal. The difference is so great that Celtic have to play a perfect match." You played against Messi for five minutes in 2005. "I remember. It was like a game for any kid that's going to play with the first team. "Now he is the best in the world and I keep a photo of me stopping him with much affection."
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