Zico: Napoli can spring a surprise on Real Madrid

Real Madrid must be wary of Napoli's pace in their Champions League last-16 or risk a shock exit from the competition, according to Zico.
As a player with Udinese in the 1980s, the Brazilian is aware of the Italian way of playing and how it can cause problems for Los Blancos at the Estadio Santiago Bernabeu.
"It's a game in which anything can happen," said Zico to Gazzetta dello Sport.
"I've seen a few of Napoli's matches, and it's clear that they have a good coach because they play well, and I'd say they can spring a surprise by putting pressure on Real with their pace.
"The important thing is not be afraid, because the Bernabeu is intimidating."
Naturally, when pinpointing one Madrid player that can turn the tide in the Spanish giants' favour, Zico opted for Cristiano Ronaldo.
"And, of course, Napoli can't give space to Ronaldo," he added. "If you lose sight of him for a moment you're ruined, because he will punish you."
